Affirming Your Life in 3 Easy Steps

Published on 29 January 2025 at 14:28

Struggling with believing in yourself? In having confidence in your capabilities? Struggling with motivation to complete your daily “to-dos”? 


Before you roll your eyes and brush off the recently popularized idea of affirmations, hear me out. I know that it can often seem silly to look in the mirror and say positive things about yourself, but let's be real, there is really no harm in trying. In this post, we will discuss the benefits of daily affirmations and how to begin. 


Though it may not seem like it, practicing affirmations can have significant benefits. The simple act of looking into the mirror and stating, “I am beautiful,” can significantly boost your confidence over time. Now, apply this to every aspect of your life. Stating affirmations on the areas of your life that you’re insecure about will help boost confidence and eliminate negativity. Affirming yourself and your life fosters a growth mindset, which in turn leads to more opportunity and positive outcomes in your life. When you affirm yourself, you are manifesting the life that you want to live in. The once negative self-talk that blared in your mind dulls, and positive thoughts seep in, leading to further motivation and confidence and moving towards a life you’re more excited to live. 


Take this as an example – you wake up every morning sluggish, feeling tired and dirty. You look at a magazine and the model on the front cover beams at you almost mockingly, only making you feel worse. Your mind repeats, “well, I’m never going to look like that so I might as well not try,” you go to school just as you woke up. Now, you’ve stumbled across Anna Marie’s Lifestyle, educating you on doing affirmations. When you wake up instead of telling yourself you’re never going to look good, you go over to your mirror, repeating, “I am beautiful”. After saying this, you feel slightly better, you decide to put on a nice outfit and brush your hair. Maybe you don’t feel as confident as the model that gleamed from the magazine cover but you feel better than before. Then, you go to school and someone compliments your outfit. This affirmation that you repeated is only further solidified. You do this every day until eventually you believe it and so does the world around you.  


It’s easy to say to start, but much harder to actually do it. So, how do you begin to really affirm your reality? I am going to give you three easy steps, along with some tips and tricks on how to effectively and consistently affirm your life. 


1. Identify Your Insecurities 

Take some time to reflect and identify what your negative thoughts are. Where do you struggle in terms of confidence? What parts of your life do you want to improve? What negative thoughts do you tell yourself repeatedly? These negative thoughts could be things like, “I’m so ugly”, “no one loves me”, “I don’t deserve anything”. Take note of this. 


2. Change these negative thoughts into positive statements 

Now, it’s time to figure out what your affirmations are going to be. I like to have a few base ones I can always fall back on for thoughts I know I struggle with. Take one of the insecurities you thought of from above and turn it into a first-person, present-tense, positive statement. For example, the thought, “No one loves me”, could now be changed into the affirmation, “I am loved”. 


3. Practice using these affirmations 

It’s time to use what you’ve just worked on above. The key to successful results from affirmations is consistency. You aren’t going to magically be more confident after saying one affirmation on one day, you need to do them daily. Find a way that you feel will be best for staying consistent. Traditionally, looking in the mirror and saying your affirmations is the typical cliche but if this doesn’t work for you, try writing or typing them out. 


The truth is, you are going to feel ridiculous at first, but it wouldn’t be growth without a few bumps in the road. If you take these three simple steps and start implementing them into your daily routine, I will guarantee that you will begin to see results. Your will notice the negative thoughts in your mind decrease as positivity, motivation, and confidence begin to seep into your life. Affirming your reality will make all the difference in manifesting the life you want, as long as you give it a fighting shot. 


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a month ago


a month ago

this article was really inspiring, I definitely will start practicing my affirmations!

a month ago

I love affirmations!

a month ago


13 days ago
